L和mark College Institute for 研究 和 培训


Educators 和 parents frequently ask the LCIRT team about their experiences, 他们的研究, 以及他们推荐的循证实践. 下面你会发现一些常见问题, 我们团队的答案, 您可以下载并使用信息图表, 及连结至其他劳工处, 注意力缺陷多动症, 自闭症组织.

  • 我如何帮助我的学生完成写作任务?

    问题: 我有光明, articulate students who can tell me everything about a topic but can’t get their thoughts from their heads to the paper. 我能做些什么来帮助这些学生提高他们的学术写作水平?

    回应: 你描述了许多有阅读障碍的学生所面临的一个困难, 注意缺陷障碍, 以及执行功能的挑战. Academic writing is one of the most challenging tasks because it is so complex cognitively. 它对注意力的要求很高, 记忆(尤其是主动工作记忆), 语言处理, 和自我调节.

    One of the best ways to manage this dem和 is to break writing a paper into a series of smaller, 认知要求较低的任务, 从获取想法并将其转化为文本开始. 例如, students can jot down their initial thoughts without worrying about sentence formation or essay structure, 只是为了让他们的想法在纸上滚动.

    有些学生喜欢大声说出他们的想法, 要么用私人录音机录下来, 或者使用语音识别软件, 比如龙, 记下他们的想法.

    Other students get more traction if they start with a sketch or drawing 和 then describe that with words. I even have some students start by building a model with manipulatives like Legos or Tinkertoys to represent how their ideas relate to each other.

    动觉的方法可能是让学生“走”他们的想法, 添加新内容时继续前进, 在详细阐述这些想法时,移到一边, 当你提出相反的观点时,你会后退. 另一个学生可以在学生走路时做抄写员, 或者学生可以用录音机来记录他们的想法.

    All of these approaches free the student from the tyranny of the blank page 和 give them an active way to begin transferring knowledge from their head onto the page.

  • 什么是计算障碍?

    问题: 计算障碍是真的吗?

    回应: 我们的LCIRT专家分享了关于计算障碍的见解:

  • 什么是执行功能?

    问题: 到底什么是执行功能?

    回应: 了解更多关于执行功能的信息 阅读我们的一页概述,然后学习 执行功能支持的方式是综合的 融入到学生生活和学习的方方面面. For educators looking for in-depth training on Executive Function (EF), learn more about our 专注于EF的专业证书系列.

    问题: How does L和mark College assist its students in organizing schedules 和 following through on tasks?

    回应: We assist students with scheduling 和 following through on tasks in many ways, including:

    • 在一年级的课堂上, 哪些是所有新生都要参加的, we show students how to manage schedules by teaching a calendar system for monitoring schedules, 约会和任务. 我们为学生提供纸质日历或电子日历的选择.
    • 许多学生更喜欢电子日历, 比如谷歌日历, 为了方便输入重复发生的事件, 用颜色标记不同类型任务的能力, 特别是, the feature of having text message or email reminders sent to their smartphones at the point of performance.
    • 对于长期难以按时完成任务的学生, 我们提供专业的咨询团队, 哪一个专注于先进的时间/任务管理策略.
    • 我们还提供专业教练的辅导服务, who provide a consistent level of motivation 和 accountability for students who are developing self-management skills.

    问题: I am interested in learning more about developing 和 implementing effective classroom strategies to support students who have weak executive functions. 更具体地说, I would like to focus on two specific executive skills: task initiation 和 working memory. What interventions are recommended when a student has good problem-solving ability for a non-verbal task that is brief 和 highly structured, 但不能处理复杂的任务? How do I help a student who struggles with the ability to hold information in memory while performing complex tasks? 你能提供关于这个问题的文章、书籍和研究吗?

    回应: You pose interesting questions about how to manage executive function difficulties in the classroom. 我们强烈推荐Lynn Meltzer的两本书: 执行功能:理论到实践促进课堂执行功能 which can exp和 on some brief suggestions based on our own classroom experiences at L和mark College.

    For a student who can’t h和le a complex task despite good general problem-solving ability, we help the student develop the ability to micro-unit a task—that is, 把它分解成一系列更小的, 可管理的步骤. 明尼苏达大学图书馆有一个互动式 任务的计算器 on their website that helps students do this for long-range assignments. We suggest students enter the steps onto a template that gives check-off boxes for each step, 因此,它们可以指示每个步骤何时完成. 模板包括每个步骤的截止日期或截止日期, 如果没有在第一个截止日期前完成,还会准备一个备用日期.

    在执行复杂任务时,在记忆中保存信息, 我们建议学生不要试图在记忆中保留太多东西, but “off-load” most of the information by writing it on file cards or reference sheets, 所以它很容易得到, 但不会占用太多的“认知工作空间”.”

  • 我怎样才能帮助我的学生发展社交技巧?

    问题: Can you recommend some strategies to help me teach appropriate social communication skills to my students with ASD?

    回应: Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) learn best when they are given explicit instructions 和 a manageable social context to practice appropriate language 和 actions. I recommend that students are first provided with clear 和 concrete social rules (e.g., stay one arm’s length from other person; follow the speaker’s conversation lead/interest). Teaching simple social “scripts” is a great way to model these rules.

    Social scripts can be written in response to the student’s personal needs, 对于一个令人困惑的情况或即将到来的事件. 一旦脚本被创建, try to role-play how to initiate a conversation 和 how to predict 和 react to what another person will say. These sessions can also be recorded 和 used to review the socially appropriate 和 inappropriate behaviors displayed by the students to show them their areas of strength 和 the areas in which they need improvement.

学习是一个复杂的个人过程. 没有唯一最好的学习方法, but most students follow a well-defined trajectory of learning milestones as they move from preschool through high school. 学习方式不同的学生, 另一方面, often do not perform well within the confines of traditional formal education. 帮助你更好地了解有学习障碍的学生, 注意力缺陷多动症, 和自闭症, 我们在本页提供了资源和链接. Please be advised that our responses do not represent legal or medical advice. 地标学院不承担任何后果, 不利的或其他, 由于本网站提供的信息.

If you’re seeking more in-depth information on these 和 other issues related to students who learn differently, LCIRT提供了多种 专业发展 选项 对个人、学校、学院和组织都适用. To receive free materials, including updates regarding re搜索 和 best practices, 订阅我们的 通讯.

Now available for download are free posters on Self-Advocacy 和 Executive Function, 以及我们的生物成功! 出版.


Learn more about the benefits of a neurodiverse society from L和mark College’s 神经多样性中心.
